How to Scale VR Training

It’s beyond doubt virtual reality (VR) accelerates the professional development of employees.

But if you’re a growing organisation operating from multiple sites, how do you effectively scale VR to reap its full potential? This is a common question and we’re here to tell you the solution is pretty simple.

So if you’re thinking about updating your training programme with immersive technology, here’s everything you need to know about scaling VR.

Why scalability is important

With the correct hardware and software, VR is a technology easily scalable for any size business. But why is scaling your VR training so important?

Well, apart from providing a strategy to keep training current and innovative, scaling your VR training can also:

  • deliver standardised and high-quality training content

  • reduce costs that come with traditional in-person training

  • make training easily accessible for employees in any location

Furthermore, scaling with sensitivity across your organisation will help employees stay positive about changes, while ensuring that productivity and internal operations are not compromised.

Challenges to scaling VR training

Although integrating VR into your training will bring multiple benefits to your business, there are several scaling challenges you will need to navigate.

Upfront VR training costs

Depending on your requirements, a small VR scenario for a pilot programme will usually range from £15,000 to £30,000, whereas for larger, interactive and measurable VR programmes, the cost usually starts at £100,000.

That’s because a successful VR training programme requires a range of  components including instructional design, programming, video production, VR headsets and XRS platform to name but a few.

Of course, the upfront costs for scaling VR into your training programme are more than you’d expect to pay for a traditional in-person equivalent.

However, according to PwC, integrating VR achieves cost parity with classroom training for 375 learners. And at 3,000 learners, VR becomes 52% more cost effective. That’s some serious saving.

Upfront VR training content

Even though you could be operating a VR training programme across the globe, updating its content is relatively straightforward – provided you have the right software and hardware.

With the technology available at Future Visual, we can push updated VR training content to VR headsets, regardless of their location, without additional hardware add-ons or services.

Feel free to get in touch with any questions you may have about updating VR training content. We’d be glad to help.

Measuring the impact of VR training

As with any scalable training programme, having metrics in place to measure its impact should be prioritised. By pulling data reports, you have instant insight into areas of your programme that are performing and components that require more attention.

It means your training stays current and relevant, leading to a more engaged and productive workforce who can see the value in what they’re learning through a VR headset.

Depending on your scaling requirements, VR training software can include reporting capabilities to give you instant access to how your programmes are performing across your entire organisation.

How to scale VR training

Start small

If your organisation wants to successfully scale VR training, starting with one virtual reality pilot programme is advisable. Not only will this allow you to monitor the impact of immersive learning on a smaller scale, but it also gives you and your team a taster of what it’s like to integrate VR.

Once you’re more familiar with the benefits it brings to corporate training, you can start to expand integration by adding branched learning options, follow-up activities and new training activities.

Update VR content

Once your VR training programme is live, it’s vital to keep content relevant with regular updates. Through the use of delivery networks, adding and updating content is easier than ever. It can be deployed in a matter of minutes and doesn’t require any physical updates to hardware equipment such as headsets.

Furthermore, once your new content is released, you can measure its performance and impact through tracking metrics. Should you identify any areas for improvement with your content, additional updates can be made accordingly.

Are you ready to scale your VR training?


Extended Reality for Business